The cultures of the different races are summarized under the link in the navigation bar up and to the left but some of them are rare or different in Kaurath.

Barbarians are divided into the Vorlonol who are more stable and have an organized kingdom as well as the I who are more traditional tribal cultures. All the Barbarian clans follow a strong Totem animal and it affects their specific tribal culture. The Shaman and Warleaders are may manifest some features of the Totem, and occasional a Totem Avatar is born who embodies the greater powers of the Totems. They are strong and reliable supporters of the Kaurathi Throne and control a quarter of the High Kingdom.

There are only a handful of Biata who are trying to setup a colony here, most related to the mated pair who founded it.

There is one city of Dark Elves in Kasember organized around a powerful Spider Queen. Most Dark Elves are picky about their race name, personal honor, and are matriarchal. Nothing is set in stone but that is what most characters would expect from a Drae they meet.

Dwarves are common throughout the 12 Kingdoms but the major Dwarven realms are external allies. Two new realms have recently joined and are still working out how they will govern themselves. The majority of the dwarves working on the surface are expiating and ancient debt and eschew titles or positions.

The Elves of the forest realm of Innos Halal brought such elements of civilization as the Luvata Kansa to Kaurath and are pillars of the 12 Kingdoms. The elves of the Keskaur Forests are not part of the 12 Kingdoms and view outsiders with disdain. Other elves are rare or believe not to be native to this area. The Stone Elves who have been encountered have been from the Stone Wood or the Great University and have the traditional focus on mental discipline and self-control.

The Vaeltaa (the Kaurathi Gadabari) are among the most valued member kingdoms and supply the royal guards. They have been instrumental in fighting on the Wall against the Barrowheart over the centuries. They are known to be flashy, Clever, and do not respect those who do not deserve it. They are traditionally more flexible about many personal matters that other cultures and often live in traveling houses.

The Orgrath (the Kaurathi Half-Ogres) are a mystical people closely tied to the land and travel rather than form stable cities.

The Razioch (the Kaurathi Half-Orcs) are the paladins and defenders of the land. They are a disciplined martial people who were at the core of Prince Bulzaric's powers and the defeat of the Barrowheart.

Hoblings were the first troops to join with the Kaurathel and remain deeply linked to both military and commerce.

Mystic Wood Elves are not common in Kaurath and only those in the Fereshayn woods to the north have been encountered recently. Traditionally they have a carefree and open social life but vehement opposition to control and compulsions.

Sarrs and Scavengers are rare in Kaurath and none were known for centuries. More recently some native Scavengers appeared and some Sarr's immigrated and achieved positions of power. Sarr societies are often matriarchal.