While the the Player Characters focus on being Big Darn Heroes most of the time, and try and figure out how to do stuff, we NPCs get to be heroes, villains, townsfolk, animals, monster, and everything else in the world. And we get to be in the thick of things all the time. We define where the action is, where the story happens. Some of our characters appear, do their thing, and leave (usually dead.) Others become recurring friends and some are ongoing villain or even one of the Big Bad's in disguise...or not! So being an NPC can be a LOT of fun. And we make the game happen for everyone else too.

Its also a great way to start playing, you get to learn about the rules, learn about the history of the world, and practice everything so when you decide to create a player character of your own design, or to commit to NPCing and create or earn some of the fascinating recurring characters who make up the world.

For you our events are always free and include housing and all the same food as the player characters. Cabins, beds, mattresses of course, and the main NPC Cabin has its own fire if needed and electricity.

You are the critical resource, without which Kaurath could not come to life for our players. So thank you for all the time, short or long, you are able to invest in it.

And if there is something else needed just let us know. We want all our NPCs to build up a standard LARP kit starting with basic black outfits and working up to full costume for named characters as you get cast as them, and we are glad to help them make that happen.

New to NPCing

Being an NPC is both a great way to get started and lots of fun for those interested in doing this long term.

An an "Non-Player Character" you get to learn the rules and conventions of playing the game in smaller chunks.

You also get to learn pieces of our history and the ongoing stories in bite sized chunks as well.

NPC roles are have strong impact on the flow of the story. Third Orc on the left may seem a small things, a bit player role, but that character's presence is vital to the players facing it down in a melee. Your fighting tactics and how you role play the character is a key building block of an immersive game. And any character may find themselves talking to player and other non-player characters near players as part of the living world of Kaurath we try and portray. That means that if you start as Third Orc on the Left you may end up as Grizlnak Bone Cheer, a sometime ally of the players or perhaps an incipient dark lord with ambitions to master magics and take over his tribe and lead them to glorious world domination. If you don't feel chatty or the players are in kill it mode then it's just a fight. If you and they start talking ... anything might happen.

If you are one of the many fine folks who decide this is good fun you can take on roles with more and more impact on the game than any player character can have over time. Talk to us as you get more comfortable with life (and death) here in Kaurath.

Not every non player charater that goes out is a tailored roles or even you are really life, sometimes you'll be needed for roles you don't like much (although we try and limit this) and it is worth trying all types of roles to see what is most fun for you. What you find as fun can change as you learn more about the game and become more confident in your abilities....

As an additional small bonus besides playing for free you can earn credit for a player character played here or at any friendly game out there. Or trade in some of those credits for other things we cn provide easilly. like small bits of basic costume.

We also offer NPC exchanges: giving you CP or whatever their local attendance credit is with various other LARPs if you NPC for us or vica versa. The current list an be found at this link (click here) but if your game is not listed just ask the game runner to speak with us (use email to logistics at to reach us directly.)